About me

I always like to improve my knowledge and improve and hone my skills but in general I like to learn new things, new languages, new instruments, new games or any new hoby.

I earned a degree in Computer Science with a minor in Math and also a Major in Finance and Economics with a minor in Management.

I like to develope fun and interesting yet useful software. I always like to help people learn and get into IT and Software Engineering, I think this field is so vast and interesting that the more people working in this field, the better.

Some people often feel limited or not capable to accomplish complex things, I am a firm believer that who ever sets their mind to a goal, nothing can stop them. This way of thinking has helped to be where I am and defines who I am.

Some Hobbies Of Mine

I normally like to play music like guitar or piano. I am a very competitive soccer player, playing almost 5 days a week and I like to occasionally play chess.